Sunday, June 27, 2010

XSD 1.1: assertions failure error messages

Here's some info for XML Schema users!

As refered on my earlier blog post (ref,, XSD 1.1 assertions error message was not a standard feature of the XML Schema language spec, and XML Schema WG was deliberating on this issue at that point of time.

As of now, the XML Schema WG has taken a decision on this, which is as following (which is an response from David Ezell, XML Schema WG chair):
The WG believes that this topic should be covered in a separate note describing best practices for how to handle this issue. Liam suggests following the i18n practice of publishing "articles" to recommend best practice.

See for examples.

Therefore, keeping in view this observation from XML Schema WG, the Xerces-J implementation would not change about assertions error messages. Or unless, there are any specific comments from Xerces users about assertions error reporting.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Xerces-J 2.10.0 released!

I'm pleased to extend the announcement of Xerces-J 2.10.0 release (released today. ref,

Xerces-J 2.10.0 is now available on the Xerces site, to be used by community. This is a release after nearly two and a half years of the previous Xerces-J release, 2.9.1. This is a significant milestone at Xerces, with lot's of new features & bug fixes/enhancements.

Xerces-J 2.10.0 provides two versions of the Xerces distributables:
1. Xerces2 Java 2.10.0 - this is a maintainence release for 2.9.1 release (having bug fixes & enhancements), with essentially the same parsing & API support as 2.9.1 (except I think addition of support for StAX 1.0 event API & Element Traversal API -- more details are available in Xerces release notes).
2. Xerces2 Java 2.10.0 (XML Schema 1.1) (Beta) - this release supports a partial experimental implementation of the XML Schema 1.1 Structures and Datatypes Working Drafts (December 2009), along with all the changes available in "Xerces2 Java 2.10.0" release (point 1).

PS: I would also like to extend special thanks to the Eclipse/PsychoPath XPath 2.0 team members, Dave Carver & Jesper S Møller for helping producing an excellent XPath 2.0 engine, which underlies Xerces XML Schema 1.1 assertions and type-alternatives implementation. Special thanks also to Andrea Bittau, who originally authored the PsychoPath engine.

I hope the community likes the Xerces 2.10.0 release!

Please feel free to discuss about Xerces-J at: